Integrating TPACK model in primary lesson planning
Lesson Plan: (TPACK Model)
Grade Level: Class VI
Subject: Mathematics
Topic: Mixed Fraction
Duration: 50 minutes
Prior Knowledge: Students should have an understanding of fractions such as proper, equivalent and improper fractions. They should also know about mixed numbers.
TPACK Model: Technological knowledge (TK) : Utilizing technology to enhance student learning engagement.
For this lesson, we will be using a mentimeter (for brainstorming and to check what they know about mixed fractions) in the lesson introduction. Then, we will use a PowerPoint presentation and a video for the lesson input to deliver the main content. And then proceeding to activities, for activity one we will be using interactive PhET simulation and a worksheet (designed using the google docs) for second activity. Finally for the closure and assessment, we will use Kahoot for a quiz.
Pedagogical knowledge (PK): Effective instructional practices for the concept- independent learning, pair, collaborative, group, guided, demonstration, lecture, etc.
Content Knowledge (CK):
Understand and correctly define mixed fractions.
Illustrate examples of mixed fractions.
Read mixed fractions correctly.
Understand the importance of mixed fraction in numeracy and real life applications.
Lesson Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
define mixed fraction correctly without the assistance of the teacher,
illustrate three examples of mixed fraction accurately after the teacher’s explanation, and
discuss two importance of mixed fractions without referring to the textbook.
Materials required:
An interactive PowerPoint presentation on mixed fraction
PhET simulation
Online quiz on Kahoot!
Computer (computer lab)
Google Classroom (Assigning of task)
Lesson Introduction (10 minutes):
Exchange of greetings (how are you all? Did you eat your breakfast?)
Attention grabbing. (class-class, yes-yes)
Instead of directly introducing the lesson by defining a mixed fraction , firstly we will ask students about their experiences with fractions, like sharing snacks or dividing items among friends. With their responses in hand then we will initiate an individual activity, where we will make students jot down their thoughts on mixed fractions by clicking on the link provided below.
Instruction: Students will have to log into Google Classroom and join the link given below, which will take them to mentimeter. Then, they will have to read the instructions given in the mentimeter and write their thoughts on a mixed fraction. They can write what they know and what they think about a mixed fraction.
Click Here to join mentimeter.
Activate Prior Knowledge: Discuss with students about their experiences of sharing things and breaking a whole into parts (relating to fractions). We will then use the knowledge to connect to the lesson.
Lesson Development( 30 Minutes)
Lesson input: (Integration of Interactive PowerPoint and video, 10 minutes)
With brainstorming and quick introduction to the topic, we will then deliver the main content. Instead of delivering the lesson, in a monotonous way, we have aimed to make the lesson more interactive by using interactive PowerPoint slides and a video. Students will be explicitly introduced with a mixed fraction, its definition, examples and its importance through the interactive PowerPoint prepared. With interactive participation of the students, we aim to deliver the concept of mixed fraction through this interactive PowerPoint.
Click Here to open the PowerPoint slide.
Catering to the different learning preferences and styles of the students, we have a video lesson on mixed numbers. With this we aim to be inclusive and provide better understanding of the concept because students are known to learn better when they actually see and hear things. So, here is a short video on mixed fractions extracted from YouTube.
Click Here to watch the video of mixed fraction.
Activity I (Integration of PhET simulation, 10 minutes)
Instruction: Students in a pair will open a PHeT simulation using the link provided by the teacher. Students will collaboratively illustrate the fractions given in the game and complete the level 1 to 5. The activity should be completed within 5 minutes.
Click Here to join PHeT simulation.
Follow up activity: After the pair activity, the pair will share their findings and responses with other groups and compare the answers.
Checking the understanding of the instruction: I will ask one of the students to repeat my instruction to check whether they understood the instruction or not. If the student is not able to repeat the instruction correctly, I will once again explain the instruction to them.
Monitoring: as they go on carrying out the activities, I will walk around and see if they are on the right track or if they need any assistance.
Activity II : Pair work (Integration of worksheet, 10 minutes)
Instruction: Students will work in pairs and they will be given ten minutes to complete the task. They will have to fill in the blanks by representing the picture with a mixed fraction and also illustrating the mixed fraction with pictorial representation in the spaces provided.
Monitoring: As they go on carrying out the activities, I will walk around and see if they are on the right track or if they need any assistance.
Follow up Activity: After they are done with the activity, the teacher will call 2-3 pairs to share the answers written in their worksheets to the class.
Extended learning activity : Those students who have completed the task before time will have to raise their hands and they will have to come together in a group and discuss some of the importance of learning mixed fractions, apart from the ones presented in the PowerPoint. They will have to work without disturbing others.
Closure and assessment (10 minutes)
We need to reproduce what we have learned, so to do that we will initiate an exit ticket to assess their understanding. They will have to click on the link given below and complete the quiz we have created on kahoot.
Click Here to join the quiz on Kahoot! (Game Pin: 03134054)
When this is done, then we will ask our students if they have any questions, if there are any, then we will clear their doubts and dismiss the class. Hence, lessons can be successfully delivered with technology integration, with usage of effective pedagogy and correct content deliverance.
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