ICT integration Model - SAMR Model

Lesson no. 1

Teacher name: Sangay Tobden 

Subject : social studies

topic :  National symbols 

Class: IV

Time: 45 minutes

Teaching materials: : Google doc, PowerPoint, video link, images, digital tools 

ICT model: SAMR model 

Previous knowledge: students already know some of the names of the national symbols such as flag, gho and kira.

Lesson objective: by the end of the lesson, student should be able to;

  1. recognize four national symbols without any guidance from the teacher, 

  2. write their understanding of national symbols using mentimeter accurately, without discussing with friends, and

  3. evaluate the importance of national symbols appropriately, without teachers guidance. 

Lesson introduction (5minutes)

  • I will start the class with greetings. (How are you all? did you eat your breakfast)

  • After that as usual I will do the mindfulness practice for 30 seconds to begin the class. 

  • To make familiar with national symbols i will ask the following questions such as:
    A. Did you see a flag in front of the school assembly ground?

B. What dress do you wear when you come to school?

C. What do we sing during morning assembly?

  • With their response, I will tell students that we are going to learn about the national symbols. 

Lesson development (20 minutes)

Information input:

Activity I (15 minutes )

  • before directly moving to the lesson I will collect their prior knowledge and check the knowledge on national symbols. To introduce and make the lesson more interactive I will use a mentimeter to collect their simple understanding of the national symbols. 

  • After collecting the data of their understanding I will present them with my PowerPoint presentation that I have prepared. 

  • Click Here for the PowerPoint presentation. 

  • After the teacher's input students will have some ideas on what is and some importance of the national symbols. To further extend their understanding i will assign them with a group activity by asking several questions using Kahoot!

Activity 2 (5minutes )

The next activity will be a quiz to check their understanding, to conduct a quiz I am going to use Kahoot. 

Click Here  

Lesson closure.

To close the lesson I will ask several question to check students understanding such as: 

  1. Why is studying national symbols important? 

  2. What will happen if there is no national symbol? 


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